
Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Counselling Service towards medical specialisation in Germany

Dear Friends,

 I have not been able to write any new article since long, what to do life of  a PG Resident is quite busy, be it India, USA or Germany.  In the meanwhile I have also started a Youtube channel inorder to  share my information and experiences about postgraduate training for Doctors in Germany. I hope you have already seen the videos, some are also posted on this Blog.The purpose of my Youtube channel is to educate young doctors about the career option in Germany, and that I do collectively through QnAs Videos or communicating through Comments, thus saving time,
I started this Blog when I had recieved my Job contract in a German Hospital, and after that started the Youtube Channel the day I passed my Approbation Exam. During this entire time I have been helping and guiding fellow doctors achieve their respective goals in Germany.

Through Youtube I have come across many doctors with different backgrounds,different ambitions and different aspirations, The more people I know, the more I realize that ,there is a huge need of authentic counselling for doctors inorder to help them weigh their options, find out better and less expensive options, make  well informed decisions about further pathways towards the Journey of getting into specialist training in Germany.

The doctors who are planning to work in Germany in future can be classified into following groups

A) Medical students who are yet to recieve their degree, but are motivated to find a Pg position in Germany in field of their choice.

B) Doctors who have already started learning german language A1, A2 level and are looking for further options to continue their language course in Germany.

C) Doctors who have completed till B2 , C1 in their Home country and are looking for options to get into medical german courses , Telc medizin and Approbation preparation courses in Germany.

D) Doctors who are in Germany and have completed all the required Language courses and are now in the process of applying for Jobs and are researching the Job market in Germany and preparing for Interviews and getting used to the german medical system.

Each of the above mentioned categories require different type of research ,approach and counselling and hence I have decided to take out some free time and use my knowledge and experience of german bureaucratic and medical systems to help out sincere and motivated candidates to make the right moves.

As everything valuable has to be valued, this counselling service is a paid service.

Additional Assistance at additional charges !!!
Assistance can be provided as per requirement of the candidate in following areas.

1) Guidance about postgraduation system ( Weiterbildung) in Germany
2) Guidance about the application process for Residency positions (Bewerbung)
3) Resume Writing in German
4) Motivation Letter Writing in German ( Anschreiben)
5) Preparation for Interviews
6) Guidance for Application for Berufserlaubnis ( Temporary Medical License)
7) Research: If you think I can research and find out about some issues in German better than you can, do let me know.

This is the layed-out plan through which I intend to organize my efforts and provide more focused and reasonable solutions to fellow doctors and be an instrument to bring about a positive change in their lives. Do remember , there is no shortcut to Hardwork, all the Information can only bring you so far, beyond that your sincerity and Hardwork will propel you towards your Destination.

For communication outside of Youtube, you can Email me at

Please attach Copy of your Passport ( Initial Name Page and Last Addresse Page) to the email along with following Information:

( a  CV will be better, if possible)
Full Name ;    
Date of Birth:
Name of University of MBBS:
Present status : Student or Graduated
Work experience :
Aggregate Percentage in 10th or 12th or MBBS :

With best regards,

Dr.Deepak Mishra

Deepak Mishra´s YouTube Channel

Doctor in Germany: A Day in the Life